MEDca Early Result Pregnancy Test, 25 Tests Review

When you have finally found that someone you want to spend your life with, the next instinct most people would get is to build a family with that person. For some couples, having their own child will make their lives complete and fulfilling.

Indeed, becoming a parent really is one of the best feelings in the world. Parenthood is rewarding and blissful and yet on the other hand can be tiring, messy, and will make you feel insane most of the time.

But once you see how happy your little one is, then all of your trouble will seem to disappear.

So if you are ready to tackle the joys and beauty of parenthood, then take note on some of the early symptoms of pregnancy:

Breast tenderness

When you are pregnant, your breasts will start to get ready for the baby to come. Your breasts will feel heavier, sore, uncomfortable, and will appear bigger. This is due to the hormonal changes in your body.


If you feel exhausted even if you did not do a lot during the day, then there is a high possibility that you may be pregnant. You may feel like you don’t have a lot of energy and you may have the desire to just sleep most of the time.


This is when you experience a little bleeding and it occurs 1 to 2 weeks after conception. This symptom may come with a little cramping and it is usually confused with menstruation.

Sensitivity to smell

One of the earliest symptoms, some women would often have a heightened sense of smell. They would sometimes get irritated to some scents like perfumes and certain foods that has a strong smell.

Some even considers this as a ‘superpower’ because they can smell things that are quite far away.

Missed period

This is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy unless you are someone who has an irregular period. Just by missing a day of your period can be a big sign that you are pregnant.

Morning sickness

For those who are not familiar as to what morning sickness is, it is when you experience nausea with or without the presence of vomiting. This is being caused by the rapid increase of pregnancy hormones in the body.

Mood swings

One of the most common symptom every woman experiences are mood swings. With the amount of symptoms women get, it is no wonder why they would feel irritated all the time.

This is also caused by stress, hormones, and fatigue. Pregnant women will also feel extra sensitive emotionally and would easily cry.


Getting headaches is fairly common during the first trimester and like other symptoms, one of its causes is the changes in the hormones.


Pregnant women may experience this at any time of the pregnancy but it is mostly common during the first trimester.

Whether or not you are experiencing all of these symptoms, a great way to make sure whether you are pregnant or not is to take a home pregnancy test. Taking a home pregnancy test is the fastest and most convenient way of finding out if you are pregnant or not.

You can simply purchase them in any drugstore and they are cheap as well. An example of a great pregnancy test is the The MEDca Early Pregnancy Test.


The MEDca Early Pregnancy Test is the perfect tool you can use to answer if you are indeed pregnant. To know more about this brand, here is a list of its features:

  • Contains 25 tests
  • Requires a use of cup to catch your urine sample, use a dropper, and place on the stick
  • You will get the result in less than 3 minutes
  • The results are easy to read: 1 pink line means negative while 2 red lines means positive
  • Easily detects hormone level and produces a 99% accurate result


When buying a product, one of the first things we look for are the positive things about it. Does it work or not? Is it worth the money? Is it easy to use? To help you answer these questions, here is a list of its pros:

  • The lines that appears on the test are clear and easy to distinguish
  • Includes 25 tests which is great for those who are really trying to conceive or TTC
  • Very cheap yet effective
  • It comes with clear and easy to understand instructions
  • Compact


There is no doubt that the MEDca Early Pregnancy Test is a great product. However, it has a few not-so-great qualities. Here is a list of the negative qualities it has that you may want to consider before buying:

  • When the test is negative, there are time when another very faint line that will appear and may cause a confusion
  • Not as accurate as other brands
  • It would sometimes take longer than 3 minutes for the result to appear
  • There are cases where no line would appear at all
  • Can be quite inconvenient to use since it still requires a cup


Building a family with the person you love is one of the best feelings in the world. Parenthood is far from easy. You have to get ready for those sleepless nights, unpredictable events, and a lot of mess and noise.

You need to be fully committed and have a lot of patience. Despite of all the hardships, you will surely feel rewarded once you see that little one of yours laugh, smile, and grow little by little.

If you feel like you are ready to step into the world of parenthood, then you would have to make yourself aware as to what the early signs of pregnancy are. Some of the early signs are food cravings, mood swings, missed period, breast tenderness, and sensitivity to smell.

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, then you may want to take a home pregnancy test to check whether you are pregnant or not. The MEDca Early Result Pregnancy Test, 25 Tests can definitely help you with that.

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